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Computer Shortcut Key |
हैलो दोस्तों,मैंने इस पोस्ट में कंप्यूटर में प्रयोग की जाने वाली important Key के बारे में बताया है जिससे आप आसानी से इन key का प्रयोग करके आप अपना काम आसानी से कर सकते हैं | दोस्तों इन Shortcuts keys के बारे में Exam में भी Question पूछे जाते है जिन्हें आप इसमें पढ़ सकते है और उन्हें कंठस्थ कर सकते है जिससे आप आसानी से exam में इस प्रकार Questions को हल कर सकें |
Copy, Paste and other general keyboard shortcuts keys
- Ctrl + x = Cut the selected item
- Ctrl + c = Copy the selected item
- Ctrl + v = Paste the selected item
- Ctrl + z = Undo an action
- Alt +F4 = Close the active item, or Exit the active apps
- Ctrl +O = Open a File
- Ctrl + N = Creating a new file
- Save = Ctrl + S
- Save As = F12
- Ctrl + P = Print
- Ctrl+F2 = Display the Print Preview
- F1 = Help
- Ctrl + Y = Redo an action
- Ctrl + A = Select all item
- Ctrl + B = Bold
- Ctrl + I = Italic
- Ctrl + U = Under line
- Ctrl + E = Align Center
- Ctrl + L = Align Left
- Ctrl + R = Align Right
- Ctrl + F = Find Box
- Ctrl + J = Justify
- Ctrl + K = Insert Link
- Ctrl +M = Indent Paragraph
- Ctrl + D, Ctrl +Shift + F = Font Window
- Alt + O +P = Bullet in text
- Ctrl + Shift + L = Create Bullet
- Ctrl + Shift +> or Ctrl + ] = Increase Font Size
- Ctrl + Shift + <or Ctrl+[ = Decrease Font Size
- Ctrl + Home = Beginning of Document
- Ctrl + End = End of Document
- Windows logo key + L = Lock Your PC
- Windows logo key + D = Display and hide the desktop
- F2 = Rename the Selected item
- F3 = Search for a file or folder in File Explorer
- F5 = Display the address bar list in File Explorer
- Alt+F8 = Show your password on the sign - in - screen
- Alt+Enter = Display properties for the selected item
- Alt=space bar = open the shortcut menu for the active window
- Alt+ Left arrow = Go back
- Alt+ Right arrow = Go Forward
- Ctrl + F4 = Close the active Document ( in apps that are full screen and and let you have multiple document open at the same time
- Ctrl + F5 = Refresh the active window
- Ctrl + Esc = Open Start
- Ctrl + Shift + Esc = Open Task Manager
- Shift + delete = Delete the Selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin First
- Windows logo key + I = Open Setting
- Windows logo key + L = Lock your PC or switch accounts
- Windows logo key + M = Minimize all windows
- Windows logo key + Up arrow = Maximize the Windows